Friday, 05 May 2017 10:40

Security and Defence Committee holds its Seventh Meeting

The Committee has considered the 2016 Performance and Status Report on administrative fields by the Ministry of Interior and the 2016 Status Report on the protection and rescue system in Montenegro.

The Security and Defence Committee held its Seventh Meeting today, during which it considered the 2016 Performance and Status Report on administrative fields by the Ministry of Interior and the 2016 Status Report on the protection and rescue system in Montenegro. 

On the basis of discussion carried out in the presence of Minister of Interior Mr Mevludin Nuhodžić, Director of the Police Directorate Mr Slavko Stojanović, and State Secretary of the Ministry of Interior Mr Dragan Pejanović, the Committee unanimously accepted the 2016 Performance and Status Report on administrative fields by the Ministry of Interior.

The Committee adopted the following conclusions at the meeting:

1. The Committee finds that the security situation in Montenegro, in conditions of political instability, social problems, numerous protests and gatherings of citizens, as well as the consequences caused by warfare among criminal groups, was satisfactory during the reporting period for the most important parameters that determine the overall safety;

2. Bearing in mind the importance of the work on the implementation of the planned programme activities, in the context of implementation of measures from the action plans for chapters 23 and 24, the Committee considers that timely and consistent implementation of the Police Development Strategy 2016-2020 is particularly important;

3. Starting from the conclusions adopted at earlier meetings and action taken to improve the efficiency of this segment of the security system, the Committee stresses the importance of continuing activities aimed at clarifying crimes of murder and aggravated murder, committed in the previous period;

4. The Committee supports the activities undertaken in the field of improvement in the area of internal control of the police, with a focus on respect for human rights and compliance with the provisions of the Code of Ethics;

5. Starting from the analysis of the current situation and identified priorities, the Committee considers that is important to continue working on the prevention and detection of offenses such as causing general danger by fires and explosions as well as criminal offenses such as destruction or damage of other people's property, committed by arson or explosives.

Also, during the meeting and in the presence of Director General of the Directorate for Emergency Situations Mirsad Mulić, the Committee unanimously accepted the 2016 Status Report on the protection and rescue system in Montenegro.

At the Seventh Meeting, the Security and Defence Committee adopted the following conclusions regarding the 2016 Status Report on the protection and rescue system in Montenegro:

1. Taking into account previously expressed support for the activities undertaken for the purpose of establishing an adequate legal framework through amendments to the Law on Protection and Rescue and conclusions adopted in this regard, the Committee places an emphasis on the continuation of activities aimed at ensuring legal conditions for the functioning of the system at full capacity;

2. The Committee insists on the continuation of activities aimed at permanently resolving the issue of radio communication systems used in the protection and rescue in a way to satisfy the criteria for the operation of the operational units of protection and rescue;

3. Recognising the importance of further professional training and development of members of operational units for protection and rescue, as well as decision-makers at local and national levels, the Committee expresses support for the activities aimed at finding an adequate model for the formation of the National Training Centre, in accordance with available capacities and capabilities;

4. The Committee believes that it is important to continue raising awareness on the importance and the need of organised and efficient action in emergency situations, as well as importance of the single European emergency number 112.