Thursday, 28 September 2017 11:50

Meeting Mr Vuksanović – Mr Močnik held

Intensifying of cooperation between committees on European affairs/integration of the two parliaments agreed

Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration Mr Adrijan Vuksanović today has met with Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to Montenegro H.E. Mr Mitja Močnik.

The topic of the meeting was further improvement of parliamentary cooperation between Slovenia and Montenegro, which was preceded by the recent visit of the Slovenian National Assembly to the Parliament of Montenegro. The interlocutors agreed on the importance of exchanging views and experiences among the committees dealing with the European Union affairs, particularly with regard to the responsibilities which the Committee on European Integration would undertake upon Montenegro’s accession to the EU.              

In that sense, they agreed to establish a structural dialogue and cooperation, which would mean exchange of information and experiences on the EU issues of common interest, and the expert support aimed at better preparedness of members of the Committee on European Integration before and after joining the EU.