Thursday, 09 November 2017 16:20

Chairperson of Committee on European Integration holds a meeting with Secretary General of Chamber of Economy of Montenegro

Holding of thematic meeting in cooperation with the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro agreed

Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration, Mr Adrijan Vuksanović, held a preliminary meeting today with the Secretary General of the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, Mr Pavle D. Radovanović, on the occasion of holding a thematic meeting of the Committee on the progress of Montenegro in the negotiations with the EU, with regard to the fulfillment of economic criteria.

The discussion on the meeting covered issues of the competences and the role of the Chamber of Economy in representing the interests of the economy, as well as the importance of economic issues for progress in the negotiation process. The interlocutors agreed on the details of the organisation of the forthcoming thematic meeting, and agreed that it would be a good opportunity for representatives of the economy to provide suggestions for possible legislative changes that could contribute to faster membership of Montenegro in the EU.