Monday, 04 December 2017 11:36

Delegation of the Committee on European Integration to visit the Republic of Italy

Rome, 5-8 December

Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration Mr Adrijan Vuksanović and members Ms Marija Maja Ćatović, Mr Mihailo Anđušić, and Mr Momčilo Martinović in the next three days will hold several meetings with the representatives of the parliamentary and executive powers of the Republic of Italy.

The study visit programme contains scheduled meetings with the diplomatic advisor to the President of the Republic of Italy, President of the Italian Senate, President of the National Anti-Corruption Authority, Chairperson and members of the Committee on European Union Policies in both houses of the Parliament, as well as with the representatives of directorates general of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Italy.

The study visit is implemented in line with the recently signed Protocol of Cooperation of the Committee on European Integration of the Parliament of Montenegro and the Committee on European Union Policies of the Italian Senate.