Tuesday, 05 December 2017 18:42

An official visit of the Committee on European Integration delegation to the Republic of Italy

Strong support of Italy to Montenegro’s membership of the European Union stressed at the meeting with the President of the Italian Senate.

The cooperation of the Parliament of Montenegro and the Italian Senate, which has been recently formalised by signing of the Protocol on Cooperation between parliamentary committees in charge of European integration and EU policies of the two countries, was also marked by today’s meeting of the Chairperson and members of the Committee on European Integration with the President of the Italian Senate.

President of the Senate Mr Pietro Grasso voiced his full support to Montenegro’s accession talks, expressing hope that Bulgarian Presidency of the EU, which should start on 1 January, would give a strong impetus to the further progress of our country towards the Union. Also, he stressed that the regional countries should make efforts aimed at strengthening diplomatic ties with other EU member states. Chairperson Vuksanović thanked to the Italian Senate for the concreate initiative for signing the Protocol on Cooperation at level of the two committees, which, besides Montenegro, was signed only with Spain and France. Mr Vuksanović pointed out that signing of the Protocol was a clear proof of the Parliament of Montenegro’s legitimacy.

The meeting was preceded by a meeting with diplomatic advisor of the President of the Republic Ms Emanuele Di Alessandro, during which she confirmed the strong support of Italy to Montenegro’s reform processes and its path to the EU. Ms Alessandro expressed pleasure with constant intensification of political dialogue between the two states, not only at the highest level but in different fields as well. The parliamentary cooperation was particularly praised, reflected in numerous and frequent visits of Montenegrin MPs and Italian senators.

Chairperson and members of the Committee on European Integration thanked for the opportunity to share their views and discuss on: the current political situation in Montenegro, the electoral legislation, dynamics of negotiation, but also the results achieved within the European integration process and implementation of geo-strategic goals.

Aside from Chairperson of the Committee Mr Adrijan Vuksanović, a delegation of the Committee visiting the Republic of Italy was consisted of members: Ms Marija Ćatović, Mr Mihailo Anđušić, and Mr Momčilo Martinović.

Meetings with chairperson and members of the Committee on European Union Policies of both chambers of the Italian Parliament are expected for tomorrow.