Wednesday, 31 January 2018 16:25

Committee on European Integration holds its 17th meeting

Members of the Committee adopted the 2017 Performance Report of the Committee and discussed the activities of the Committee for the upcoming year

At the 17th meeting that was held today, members of the Committee adopted the 2017 Performance Report of the Committee on European Integration and discussed the possibility of improving the role of the Committee for the period ahead, through the implementation of activities planned for the upcoming year.

Assessing the content of the report as substantial, the Charperson of the Committee on European Integration, Mr Adrijan Vuksanović thanked his colleagues for cooperation in the previous year and expressed his expectation for more intensive work of all participants in the negotiation process. Among the activities that marked 2017, Mr Vuksanović particularly emphasised the signing of the Protocol on Cooperation between the Parliamentary Committee on European Integration and the Committee on European Union Policies of the Italian Senate. In addition, the Committee's visibility in the media was highlighted, as compared to 2016, but also the aforementioned concrete results of the Committee's international activities. Following the constructive discussion, members of the Committee expressed positive opinion of the 2017 Performance Report of the Committee on European Integration.

At the meeting, the conclusions regarding the redefinition of the role of the Committee in accordance with the dynamics of the European integration process were taken into consideration, which take into account the improvement of the work of the Committee and promotional activities in order to ensure the maximum support of citizens for Montenegro's membership in the EU.