Thursday, 08 February 2018 14:42

Committee on European Integration holds its Eighteenth Meeting

Members of the Committee adopted the Draft negotiation position on Chapter 27 - Environment and climate change

At today’s Eighteenth Meeting, members of the Committee on European Integration have considered the Draft negotiation position for Chapter 27 - Environment and climate change.

The main aspects of the document were presented by Mr Aleksandar Andrija Pejović, Minister of European Affairs, Mr Saša Radulović, negotiator for the Chapter 27, and Ms Ivana Vojinović, Head of the Working Group for the said chapter. They set forth the activities that preceded to drawing up of the position and announced the new ones aimed at fulfilling the given obligations in the field of environment.

After the discussion, members of the Committee unanimously adopted a positive opinion on the said document.

Given that the considered document was classified as “internal”, the meeting was closed to the public.