Friday, 23 February 2018 14:29

Members of the Committee on European Integration to participate in the XIII COSAP meeting

Skopje, 25 and 26 February


The XIII Conference of the Parliamentary Committees on European Integration/Affairs of the States Participating in the Stabilization and Association Process in South East Europe (COSAP) will be marked by a discussion on the current stage of European integration of the Western Balkan countries, and their readiness to carry out the necessary reforms, with special emphasis on the rule of law, fundamental rights and strengthening of democratic institutions.

The XIII COSAP will be held in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, on 25 and 26 February. Ms Daliborka Pejović, Mr Mihailo Anđušić and Mr Nikola Rakočević will take part in the meeting on behalf of the Committee on European Integration.