Wednesday, 19 September 2018 15:46

Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration meets with Chief Negotiator with the EU

They highlighted the significance of parliamentary diplomacy for the upcoming negotiation stage and agreed on more intensive cooperation between the Committee and the Office

Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration Mr Adrijan Vuksanović and Chief Negotiator of Montenegro with the European Union Mr Aleksandar Drljević have met today to discuss the joint activities that are expected in the upcoming period.

Chief Negotiator Drljević said that progress in the negotiations would not depend only on the achieved results but also on the will of the member states, which is why he stressed the significance of parliamentary diplomacy in the upcoming stage of the process and the role of the Committee in stronger communication with the member states at the parliamentary level.

Speaking about the previous pace of the negotiation process, Committee Chairperson Vuksanović pointed to the significance of coordinating all participants in the negotiating structure, thus contributing to better quality of negotiations content and agreed with the Chief Negotiator that it was necessary to intensify communication with the parliaments of the member states.

During their conversation, they also discussed the reorganisation of working groups, the process of harmonising national legislation with the EU acquis, and proposals for reporting on the pace of negotiations in the upcoming period.