Friday, 05 October 2018 16:33

Seminar dedicated to European integration held

It was pointed out that the EU was the future of the Western Balkans countries

The seminar “European integration - a challenge and a goal”, gathering students from Montenegro and Serbia, was marked by the discussion on the topic of the European perspective of the Western Balkans countries.
Within the panel on challenges of the European integration process, the students were addressed by member of the Committee on European Integration Mr Nikola Rakočević and H.E. Robert Weber, Ambassador of the Republic of Germany to Montenegro.
In a constructive and inspirational debate which followed, the students were interested in key challenges in the opening and closing of the Chapter 27 - Environment, activities of the Parliament in electoral legislation reform, open bilateral issues in the region and the Union’s role as a mediator, and the meaning of the Western Balkans accession for the Union itself.
The seminar was organised by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, and it was aimed at its scholarship recipients from Montenegro and Serbia.