Monday, 16 January 2017 16:30

Committee on European Integration holds its Second Meeting

The 2016 Performance Report of the Committee was unanimously adopted

At the meeting of the Committee on European Integration held today, the Committee members unanimously supported the 2016 Performance Report of the Committee.

Chairperson of the Committee Mr Adrijan Vuksanović presented the work of the Committee during the previous year, emphasising that all activities, apart from one meeting, related to the work in the previous 25th Convocation of the Parliament. According to him, the Report contains the overview of legislative and oversight activities of the Committee, the overview of international activities and meetings held in Montenegro, as well as the recapitulation of events organised in order to improve communication with the citizens. During the previous year, a total of 19 consultative hearings were held, four draft negotiating positions were considered and adopted, as well as four reports on negotiation chapters. In addition to that, two public debates were held on the topic of negotiation chapters, as well as two public debates with students of grammar schools in Kotor and Pljevlja.

Under the second item of the agenda, the MPs discussed the future activities of the Committee aimed at completion of the 2017 Work Plan. In addition to proposal for implementation of new activities, the MPs also provided concrete suggestions aimed at improvement of work and visibility of the Committee in the following year.