Thursday, 09 March 2017 15:37

Committee on European Integration holds its Fourth Meeting

The 2017 Work Plan of the Committee on European Integration adopted

At today’s Fourth Meeting, the Committee on European Integration unanimously adopted the 2017 Work Plan. The Plan provides activities related to four main areas of work of the Committee: monitoring the negotiation process, carrying out control role, international activities and promotion of the European integration process in the Montenegrin public. The aim of the Committee is monitoring the course of negotiation on accession to the European Union and all activities related to the European integration process.

This year the Committee will additionally intensify communication with members of the negotiation group and analyse the progress in challenging chapters, it will regularly consider key documents of the accession process, and continue the practice of considering and implementing the recommendations adopted at meetings of the European Union - Montenegro Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee (SAPC).

When it comes to promotion of the European integration in Montenegrin public, the Committee will organise public debates with youth, meetings with representatives of local self-governments as well as thematic meetings with representatives of the economy sector.

Members of the Committee also considered the proposals relating to future work of the Committee and monitoring the EU accession process.