Friday, 07 April 2017 12:08

Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration holds a meeting with representatives of the Montenegrin Pan-European Union

Representatives of the Union presented the work of their organisation

Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration Mr Adrijan Vuksanović today held a meeting with representatives of the Montenegrin Pan-European Union - President Ms Gordana Đurović, vice presidents Mr Đorđe Raičević and Mr Rajko Uskoković and Secretary General Mr Vladan Lalović.

Chairperson Vuksanović informed his interlocutors on responsibilities and activities of the Committee in the context of Montenegro’s accession to the European Union and pointed out that Montenegro was the only country in the region which had a positive practice of participation of civil sector organisations in the accession negotiations. 

As he said, added value to this process was given precisely by the genuine commitment of all actors to adoption of the European principles and the model of living. 

President of the Montenegrin Pan-European Union Ms Gordana Đurović presented the current activities of this organisation, as well as their plans for future projects in the fields of economy and culture, in the context of Montenegro’s accession to the EU.

She voiced full willingness of this organisation to cooperate with state institutions, via consultations, organisation of events, and other joint interest activities.

At the meeting they agreed on participation of the Chairperson Vuksanović in the conference which will be held on the occasion of marking a year from the establishment of the Montenegrin Pan-European Union.