Tuesday, 18 April 2017 17:12

Members of the Committee on European Integration visit Rožaje

European integration process promoted and the improvement of possibilities for the efficient use of EU funds discussed


With the aim of further promotion of inclusion and transparency of the process of European integration, members of the Committee on European Integration held a forum for discussion with students of the Grammar School "30 September" in Rožaje, on the topic "Montenegro’s accession to the EU - needs of the young, their role in the reform process, and the benefits offered to them as future EU citizens".

On behalf of the Committee, Chairperson of the Committee, Mr Adrijan Vuksanović and members, Ms Daliborka Pejović and Mr Mihailo Anđušić talked to the students, focusing on the important role of young people in the European integration process and the dynamics of social reform. MPs presented students with the European idea, explaining that the EU was a key guarantee not only of peace and security in Europe, but also the value of lifestyles, necessary for building healthy and economically stable society. Speaking of young people, as the ones to benefit the most form Montenegro's membership in the EU, MPs introduced programs that promote learning opportunities in the countries of the Union, as well as cooperation between educational institutions and youth organisations. In addition, they also talked about the support that the EU offered Montenegro in the reform process, as well as programs for the cooperation of Member States with countries that were not part of the EU.

During constructive discussion of students with MPs, there were questions that parlicularly stood out, namely about Montenegro's readiness to function within the EU, the rights and obligations of students in EU member states, but there were also concrete comments regarding the impact of Brexit not only on the enlargement policy, but also the functioning of the entire Union and raising awareness of citizens about the accession process with the aim of overall involvement of society in the adoption of European values. Throughout the debate organised by the school debate club, the students crossed views on the issue of Montenegro's membership in the EU, during which useful arguments about the future of Montenegro into the EU could be heard.

Members of the Committee on European Integration held a meeting with representatives of the Municipality of Rožaje, where they talked about the experiences and challenges faced by the Municipality when it came to the use of pre-accession IPA funds. At the meeting, they exchanged views on the possibilities of deepening cooperation at national and local levels, as well as the support that the Committee could provide local governments with in the challenging process of joining the EU.

When discussing implemented and planned projects, particularly those funded through IPA programs, key challenges and needs of the Municipality when it came to the use of the possibilities offered by the pre-accession funds were presented - continuous strengthening of capacities of the team for the development and implementation of projects, raising awareness of EU rules for the implementation of projects and project sustainability issues and their co-financing. They emphasised the good cooperation of the Municipality with active local NGOs.

The Municipality of Rožaje was represented by Mr Mirsad Azemović, Vice-President of the Municipality, Mr Fikret Kuč and Mr Rašid Mujević, representatives of the Secretariat for Economic Development and Entrepreneurship, and Mr Mirza Luhoder, adviser at the Service of the Municipality.