Wednesday, 10 May 2017 10:46

Members of the Committee on European Integration to visit the municipality of Tivat

The visit is a part of activities of the Committee aimed at promoting the European integration process and informing the public about EU accession


Members of the Committee on European Integration will visit the municipality of Tivat, on 10 May, and hold a public debate with students of “Mladost” Secondary School, on the topic of European Union’s values and process of Montenegro’s accession to the EU. After that, the delegation will meet President of the Municipality of Tivat Ms Snežana Matijević, on the topic of using pre-accession funds at the local level.

Delegation of the Committee is composed of: Chairperson of the Committee Mr Adrijan Vuksanović and members Ms Daliborka Pejović and Mr Mihailo Anđušić.