Wednesday, 17 May 2017 23:08

Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration, Mr Adrijan Vuksanović, participates in the Pan-European May Panel

Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration, Mr Adrijan Vuksanović, was one of the participants of the "Pan-European May Panel", organised by the Montenegrin Pan-European Union, in cooperation with KIC "Budo Tomović", in order to mark the first anniversary of the founding.

The panel covered discussion of the European Union, the process of Montenegro's accession and preparations for EU membership, the work of the Montenegrin Pan-European Union, as well as the history, goals and values of the Pan-European Movement.

Mr Vuksanović spoke on the topic of integration processes and the Parliament of Montenegro. He stressed that Montenegro was the first country to directly include the Parliament in the process of EU accession negotiations. By quoting President of the European Parliament, Mr Antonio Tajani, that "Montenegro has the locomotive role in the European integration of the region", Mr Vuksanović said he expected that Montenegro would soon close the Chapter 30, adding that Montenegrin Pan-European Union, with its work, could contribute to the quality of the accession process.

Beside the Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration, the Panel was attended by Ms Gordana Đurović, President of the Montenegrin Pan-European Union, Mr Vladan Lalević, Secretary General and Ms Snežana Burzan, Director of KIC "Budo Tomović".