Thursday, 01 June 2017 14:21

Committee on European Integration holds its Seventh Meeting

Reports on action plans for chapters 23 and 24 for 2016 were presented


Members of the Committee on European Integration today considered the semi-annual reports on Implementation of the Action Plan for Chapter 23 - Judiciary and fundamental rights, along with operative document for prevention of corruption in special risk areas, and the Action Plan for Chapter 24 - Justice, freedom and security for the previous year.

Representatives of line ministries informed the Committee members on implemented, partially implemented and non-implemented measures from the action plans, and on that occasion pointed out that they were satisfied with what had been achieved, especially bearing in mind the fact that, due to the passing of time, some of the measures which had not been implemented were implemented already. Among other things, during the previous year, more than 60 reform laws were adopted and an agreement was signed with the EUROJUST, the Agency for Prevention of Corruption started its work, and Special Public Prosecutor’s office was formed. It was pointed out at the meeting that, due to current challenges at the international level, the focus of Chapter 24 was shifted to migration and terrorism, while key challenges were in the area of fundamental rights, strengthening of the institution of the Protector of Human Rights, fight against discrimination, and freedom of media. Furthermore, the possibility of revising action plans was announced, in accordance with the methodology agreed with the European partners.

The Committee members were most interested in the area of public procurement, judiciary, strengthening of administrative capacities and plan of trainings and expert support in the upcoming period, and in the effects of migrant crisis on the implementation of the Schengen Agreement.

At the meeting, they agreed on the methodology of presenting future reports, with focus on key challenges and issues which could significantly affect the negotiation process, in order to provide joint contribution of the Government and the Parliament to the effectiveness of Montenegro's accession process to the EU.

On behalf of the Ministry of European Affairs, the meeting was attended by: Mr Miodrag Radović, Secretary of the Ministry and negotiator for chapters 23 and 24, on behalf of the Ministry of Justice Ms Marijana Laković Drašković, head of the Working Group for Chapter 23, and on behalf of the Ministry of Interior Ms Tanja Ostojić, head of the Working Group for Chapter 24.