Monday, 05 June 2017 14:05

Consultations with representatives of the Montenegrin municipalities on the topic of using IPA funds

Blue Room, 6 June, at 12:30h

Members of the Committee on European Integration will hold tomorrow, in the presence of representatives of the Ministry of European Affairs and the Union of Municipalities of Montenegro, consultations with representatives of the Montenegrin municipalities on the topic of using IPA funds.

The aim of the event is that members of the Committee of the 26th convocation learn about the experiences in the implementation of IPA projects at the municipal level, especially about the challenges faced by municipalities in terms of opportunities for using EU funds, and issues such as pre-financing and co-financing of projects, building and strengthening the capacities for preparing quality project proposals, as well as procedures for their implementation.

Consultations are organised ahead of the Committee meeting, where information notes on support programs of the European Union to Montenegro for 2015 and 2016 will be considered.

The event is opened to accredited media, and press release will be issued after the consultations.