Monday, 16 October 2017 14:40

Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms holds its Eleventh Meeting


Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms, at the Eleventh Meeting that was held on 16 October 2017, considered the Proposal for the Decision on Amendments and Supplement to the Decision on Establishing the Fund for Protection and Exercising of Minority Rights, submitted by MPs Mr Halil Duković and Ms Marta Šćepanović and the Proposal for the Request for Allocation of Budget Funds to the Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms of Montenegro for 2018.

The Committee unanimoulsy endorsed the Proposal for the Decision on Amendments and Supplement to the Decision on Establishing the Fund for Protection and Exercising of Minority Rights, and proposed its adoption to the Parliament.

In accordance with Article 53 paragraph 2 of the Law on the Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms of Montenegro ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", No. 42/11 and 32/14), the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms unanimously endorsed the proposal of the Ombudsman and formulated the Request for the allocation of budget funds to the Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms of Montenegro for 2018, which is to be forwarded to the Ministry of Finance.

The Committee adopted the Information from the meeting of the Chairperson of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms, Mr Halil Duković, with the evaluator of the child rights monitoring system, Ms Awaz Rauf, held on 9 October 2017 at the UNICEF Office.

Within the item of Current Issues, members of the Committee discussed the implementation of the upcoming activities established by the Plan of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms for 2017. The Chairperson of the Committee emphasised that they would try to organise a visit to the Small Group Home in Bijelo Polje by the end of this month, and that the activities related to the rights of the child would be realised, in the period to come, in order to make the Plan as fully implemented as possible.