Tuesday, 15 May 2018 20:26

Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms holds its 19th meeting

At the 19th meeting, held on 15 May 2018, the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms considered the 2017 Report on Development and Protection of Rights of Minorities and Other Minority Communities, with the 2017 performance and financial operations reports and independent auditors’ reports in respect of minority nations’ councils and councils of other minority national communities.

After the discussion, the Committee unanimously endorsed the 2017 Report on Development and Protection of Rights of Minorities and Other Minority Communities, with the 2017 performance and financial operations reports and independent auditors’ reports in respect of minority nations’ councils and councils of other minority national communities, the report on which, with the proposal for conclusion, would be submitted to the Parliament.

Also, members of the Committee adopted three information notes on the activities of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms conducted in March and April 2018.

Within the item of Current Issues, members of the Committee were informed that the Council for Civilian Control of Police Operations had submitted to the Committee for the purposes of information the 2017 Performance Report and the Recommendation, sent to the Ministry of the Interior in order to consider the establishment of a special program for the so-called just and friendly settlement. Also, members of the Committee learned of the reply of the Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms of Montenegro on acting upon the application of Mr Milutin Pavićević and Mr Željko Gagula that the Committee had forwarded to the Protector for further action, in accordance with its competence and in accordance with the Conclusion of the Committee on acting upon the application.