Friday, 14 September 2018 09:30

Students to visit the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms

Students of the Secondary Economic and Catering school and Stojan Cerović Grammar School will visit the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms on 17 September.

Students of the Secondary Economic and Catering school and Stojan Cerović Grammar School from Nikšić who won the first three places in the search for youth rights will visit the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms with their teachers, on Monday, 17 September 2018.

The visit is organised on the occasion of International Youth Day marked within the project implemented by NGO "Youth Initiative for Human Rights" and supported by the Ministry of Sports.

Given that the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms of the Parliament of Montenegro has been recognised as an important factor for the protection and promotion of human rights, the participants expressed their interest in visiting the Committee and learning about its work. Chairperson of the Committee Mr Halil Duković will inform the guests about the responsibilities of the Committee and the activities undertaken by this working body with the aim of promoting, protecting and improving human rights.

On the same day, the participants will visit the office of the Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms of Montenegro, the Ministry of Sports, the Regional Office for Youth Cooperation and the NGO Forum MNE.

The visit will be held in the Small Blue Room of the Parliament of Montenegro, starting at 12:15h.