Tuesday, 17 December 2019 18:23

Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms visits “Our Initiative” NGO

The visit represents a continuation of regular and good cooperation

Chairperson of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms Mr Halil Duković and member of the Committee Ms Branka Tanasijević, in accordance with the Committee's Activity Plan for 2019 and its Conclusion from the 47th meeting of the Committee, held on 9 December 2019, today have visited the NGO Federation of Associations of Parents of Children and Youth with Developmental Disabilities “Our Initiative” and the local Association of Parents of children with disability in Podgorica. Upon the invitation of the Committee, Ms Duška Šljivančanin, a representative of the Ombudsman Office of Montenegro and Ms Milica Joksimović, a representative of the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights, participated in this visit.