Wednesday, 06 September 2017 19:01

12th Bled Strategic Forum held

Upon the invitation of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia Mr Karl Erjavec, Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Mr Andrija Nikolić took part in this year’s 12th Bled Strategic Forum, held on 4 and 5 September.

This year’s forum, under the title “New Reality”, was devoted to finding answers and manners for adjusting to the new realities brought by globalisation and digitalisation, as well as to promoting innovations for comprehensive and sustainable future.

Slovenian Prime Minister Mr Miro Cerar and President Mr Borut Pahor made their speeches at the forum opening ceremony as well as Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Karl Erjavec, who said that constant changes were new reality and that world was facing numerous challanges, sometimes radical and destructive ones, terrorism, mass destruction weapons and numerous breaches of human rights.

Several panels were held on various topics, and special sessions were dedicated to addresses of High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President of the Commission Ms Federica Mogherini, and President-elect for the 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly, H.E. Mr Miroslav Lajčák.

One of the most visited panels was devoted to the topic: “Western Balkans: EU enlargement”, during which the following spoke Mr Srđan Darmanović, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro, Mr Ditmir Bushati, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Albania, Igor Crnadak, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr Ivica Dačić, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Mr Nikola Dimitrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Macedonia, Marija Pejčinović-Burić, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia, and Mr Hoyt Brian Yee, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs.

By Panel on the Western Balkans, a two-day Bled Strategic Forum ended, which gathered this year around 1000 participants from all over the world.

Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Mr Andrija Nikolić had several bilateral meeting on margins of the forum.