Saturday, 09 September 2017 19:00

Conference on Diaspora held in Lisbon


Members of delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Mr Predrag Sekulić and Mr Ervin Ibrahimović took part in the Launching Conference of the Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies, which took place in the Parliament of the Republic of Portugal, on 7-8 September.

The conference is organised in cooperation of the Parliament of the Republic of Portugal, Subcommittee on cooperation with non-European countries of origin and transit, and the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

The event has gathered numerous distinguished representatives of parliaments of member states of the Council of Europe, MPs from the countries of the southern Mediterranean and the Middle East, as well as leaders of emigrants’ associations, aimed at establishing a unique parliamentary network through which practical solutions for diaspora problems could be reached via political dialogue, exchange of opinions and information.

The conference is divided in several parts, and main topics during the two-day debate were: Diaspora contribution to European societies, relations with countries of origin and their impact on the development of the country of origin, democratic participation of Diaspora and promotion of inter-cultural dialogue, as well as the role of Diaspora in building cohesive societies.

The parliamentary network will operate as a platform bringing together parliamentarians from countries of origin and host countries and diaspora associations, aimed at fostering information exchanges on good practices, promoting the role of emigrant associations in the integration of migrants in host countries. The parliamentary network will also promote political and legislative reforms regarding the role of diaspora in countries of origin and host countries.

At the end of the conference, conclusions were adopted agreeing that the network’s activities be focused on promotion of democratic participation, cooperation policies between countries of origin and host countries, and strengthening dialogue between the network’s members and emigrants’ associations.