Monday, 17 September 2018 14:50

Committee on International Relations and Emigrants holds its 41st Meeting

At its 41st Meeting held today, the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants has considered and unanimously supported the Report on Work and Status in Administrative Areas under the authority of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2017, in the presence of Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Srđan Darmanović and his associates.

In his address to the members of the Committee, Minister Darmanović pointed out that the previous year was marked by NATO membership of Montenegro, the continuation of a successful integration path towards EU membership and the strengthening of good neighbourly relations, which are at the same time the three most important pillars of Montenegro's foreign policy.

Summing up the Performance Report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Mr Andrija Nikolić pointed out that the overall progress of the state of Montenegro was most visible in the field of foreign policy, and that it was a pleasure to note that Montenegro became a NATO member in the reporting period. Mr Nikolić stressed that the results that Montenegro was achieving on the international level would serve to future generations of our citizens in order to create their emancipated and quality living environment.

At today’s meeting, with participation of representatives of the State Audit Institution (SAI) and in line with the Protocol on Cooperation between the Parliament of Montenegro and the SAI, the Committee has considered the Report on the audit of operations regularity of the Embassy of Montenegro in the Republic of Austria, Greece and Croatia and the Permanent Mission of Montenegro to the UN, OSCE and other international organizations in Vienna, for 2017.

It was jointly assessed that the current management of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has significantly improved the state of affairs and made concreate steps aimed at removing irregularities indicated by the SAI in the previous year.

Also, at today’s meeting, the Committee has adopted the decision, in line with the Rulebook on the Establishment and Operation of Friendship Group in the Parliament of Montenegro, on submitting the initiative on establishing the friendship group with the UK Parliament.