Tuesday, 18 September 2018 15:06

Statement by the Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Immigrants regarding the visit to Taiwan by members of the Parliament of Montenegro

Since gaining its independence in 2016, Montenegro has established diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China; however, just like most countries in the world, Montenegro does not have diplomatic relations with Taiwan, because it is considered an integral part of “one China” according to the official Montenegrin policy. 

In line with the basic principles of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the state without established diplomatic ties with another state or with a territory aspiring to international recognition does not undertake international visits through its official state representatives. Therefore the visit of members of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Dritan Abazović, Mr Danilo Šaranović, and Ms Anka Vukićević to Taiwan is political adventurism within a private excursion, which in no way may reflect the relationship of the state of Montenegro towards the People’s Republic of China, nor towards the island of Taiwan.

When you take into consideration the fact that, prior to their trip to Taiwan, the MPs Mr Abazović, Mr Šaranović, and Mr Vukićević failed to request the opinion of the Committee responsible for international relations, nor the permission of the Parliament of Montenegro to organise this visit, then it is clear that the said group cannot represent the Parliament nor the state of Montenegro. 

Regardless of the fact that, in domestic politics, confrontation of the views of the government and the opposition is implied, when it comes to international contacts with foreign representatives it is unacceptable to act in a manner that is fundamentally opposed to the foreign political position of one’s own state. 

Montenegro and the People’s Republic of China have traditionally good and friendly relations. The cooperation of the two states is constantly being improved in numerous areas, with continuous political dialogue on all levels. Parliamentary cooperation also significantly contributes to inter-state relations, as well as a Friendship Group that has been formed with the National People's Congress. 

Without excluding the possibility that this or some other opposition group of MPs will envisage and implement a visit to Luhansk or Donetsk, we are in advance distancing ourselves from any subsequent diplomatic and political adventurism of our fellow MPs.

Andrija Nikolić, Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants