Monday, 04 March 2019 15:26

Meeting of Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants with Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey held

Montenegro and Turkey have unique relations and excellent cooperation both in political and economic terms, which are being constantly enhanced, this was highlighted at the meeting between Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Mr Andrije Nikolića and Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Montenegro H. E. Songül Ozan.

Chairperson of the Committee Ms Andrija Nikolić expressed gratitude for the strong support of the Turkey during NATO accession, and welcomed significant projects implemented in Montenegro by the Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA). He expressed pleasure with the growing interest of Turkish investment companies in our country, as well as the growing number of companies founded by Turkish citizens.

Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Montenegro H. E. Songül Ozan assessed that Montenegro, as a NATO member, and the fastest progressing country towards the European Union, fostering its multi-ethnic harmony, was a good example for the countries of the region.

Agreeing on the need for further intensification of parliamentary cooperation, Ms Ozan and Mr Nikolić touched upon the very successful visit of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, and talked on the return visit of the Montenegrin Parliament.

The interlocutors agreed that numerous Montenegrin emigrants in the Republic of Turkey represented the most significant cooperation bridge between the two states, adding that it is very significant that Montenegrin diaspora has formalised its activities through the work of a large number of emigrant associations