Friday, 31 May 2019 15:03

Members of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants meet a delegation from the City of Vodnjan and President of the Society of Montenegrins from Peroj

Members of the Committee on International Relations Mr Dragutin Papović and Mr Miloš Nikolić today have met a delegation from the City of Vodnjan, headed by its Major Mr Klaudio Vitasović and President of the Society of Montenegrins from Peroj “Peroj 1657“ Mr Miodrag Popović.

Member of the Committee Mr Dragutin Papović stressed that Montenegrin emigrants in Peroj, as representatives of the oldest Montenegrin enclave in the world, which, for more than three and a half centuries had been persistently keeping Montenegrin ethnical and cultural identity far from their homeland, were a shining example that Montenegro was proud of.

Major of Vodnjan Mr Klaudio Vitasović stressed that Montenegrins from Peroj can boast of the continuity of their duration, precisely thanks to the extraordinary commitment to preserving their ethnic roots. Mr Vitasović emphasised that the City of Vodnjan was an example of co-existence of different ethnic communities, adding that it was precisely the feature of the state of Montenegro.

Member of the Committee Mr Miloš Nikolić said that the duration of Montenegrin community in Peroj was a kind of accomplishment, stressing that this was also a confirmation of commitment and love towards their country of origin Montenegro, but also an indicator of responsible relations and respect for the Republic of Croatia, a country where they live and achieve their personal, family and professional ambitions.

President of the Society of Montenegrins from Peroj “Peroj 1657“ Mr Miodrag Popović said that the connection of this community with their motherland had always been so strong that over time it has successfully resisted various challenges and movements that every emigrant community inevitably faced.

At the meeting, Mr Popović invited members of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants to attend celebration of the significant jubilee - anniversary of the arrival of first Montenegrin in Peroj, back in 1657.