Sunday, 21 July 2019 14:21

Delegation of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants visits Montenegrin emigrants in Peroj

Members of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Mr Luiđ Škrelja and Mr Miloš Nikolić took part in the 362nd anniversary of migration of Montenegrins to Peroj, organised by Association of Peroj Montenegrins “Peroj 1657”, on 20 July, in the Istrian town of Peroj.

Parliamentarians Mr Luiđ Škrelja and Mr Miloš Nikolić attended special cultural and artistic event “Peroj feast”, traditionally held in Peroj.

Mr Miloš Nikolić, MP, delivered speech on behalf of the Committee on International Relations and Immigrants at the official opening of the event, pointing out that Montenegrins in Peroj have managed to preserve historical memory without forgetting their origin, as well as authentic Montenegrin identity, culture, tradition and customs, while contributing to the construction a prosperous society in the Republic of Croatia.

This significant event has gathered Montenegrin diaspora from the Istria County, representatives of the local government of Vodnjani and Montenegrin officials.