Tuesday, 23 July 2019 15:15

Committee on International Relations and Emigrants holds its 58th Meeting

At its 58th Meeting held today, members of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants have considered and unanimously supported the proposal that Ms Dubravka Lalović be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Montenegro - Permanent Representative - Head of Permanent Mission of Montenegro to NATO, on a residential basis in Brussels.

Pointing out the significance pointing out the significance of good quality of representing the interests of the state of Montenegro in the HQ of the Alliance in Brussels, Committee Chairperson Mr Andrija Nikolić emphasised that the candidate Lalović, with her reputable biography and experience in diplomacy and the NATO integration process, was an excellent choice for the position to which she was nominated.

The Committee will notify the President of Montenegro as soon as possible on their positive opinion on Ms Dubravka Lalović.