Tuesday, 07 February 2017 14:23

Meeting Mr Nikolić – Mr Posa

Holding of the working meeting of the newly elected members of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants with the ambassadors of the NATO states was initiated. Ambassador Posa voiced his expectation that the ratification process of the NATO Accession Protocol would be completed by the middle of 2017.

At the meeting with H.E. Mr Krisztian Posa, Ambassador of the Republic of Hungary to Montenegro, Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Mr Andrija Nikolić initiated the holding of the work meeting of the newly elected members of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants with the ambassadors of the NATO states, which should be held by the end of the month.

At the meeting, they would analyse the previous performance of Montenegro in the process of Euro-Atlantic integration, awaiting the holding of the meeting where the Committee would consider the NATO Accession Protocol on Montenegro.

- Traditionally good relations of the two countries, which are continuously being developed, are additionally strengthened by the ratification of the NATO Accession Protocol on Montenegro at the very beginning of the ratification process in member states, for which Mr Nikolić voiced special gratitude.

During the meeting Chairperson Nikolić stressed continuous support which Hungary was providing in the process of European and Euro-Atlantic integration, especially as a contact point embassy for NATO, emphasising pleasure over the fact that it would remain to be a contact point until the very end of the accession process to the NATO Alliance.

With assessment that cooperation between the two countries was excellent, Ambassador Posa voiced his expectation that the ratification process of NATO Accession Protocol on Montenegro would be over by the middle of 2017.

He also pointed out very good cooperation of the committees on international relations of the two parliaments in the previous convocations, with the hope that good cooperation would be continued.

In that sense, Chairperson Nikolić informed Ambassador Posa that he would extend the invitation to the Chairperson and members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Parliament of Hungary to visit Montenegro and discuss the possibilities for strengthening parliamentary cooperation.

Furthermore, the appointment of new members of the interparliamentary Friendship Group between the Parliament of Montenegro and the Parliament of Hungary was announced.