Tuesday, 14 March 2017 14:40

Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants receives Polish Ambassador to Montenegro

Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants, Mr Andrija Nikolić, received today the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Montenegro, H.E. Ms Irena Tatarzyńska.

The Ambassador Ms Irena Tatarzyńska, is convinced that the Netherlands and the United States will soon ratify the Protocol on the Accession of Montenegro to NATO, and that our country will become a full 29th member of the Alliance at the upcoming Summit in May.

Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants, Mr Andrija Nikolić, said that Poland belongs to the group of best friends of Montenegro and thanked Ms Tatarzyńska on the fact that the strategic priorities of our country, the membership to NATO and the EU, stand high on the foreign policy agenda of Poland.

The Ambassador particularly emphasized the importance of the Parliament as the only valid address for solving all of the important political issues of common interest. She expects that the opposition terminates its boycott as soon as possible and to return to the Parliament. The Chairperson Nikolić noted that the responsible political entities constantly hold state interests ahead of the party's, with the assessment that the place of MPs is in the Parliament, and not on the street.

The interlocutors expressed satisfaction with the excellent political relations between the two countries, but also because of the higher presence of Polish investors in Montenegro, who implement several significant projects in our country. Mr Nikolić and Ms Tatarzyńska agreed that there was still room to improve relations, particularly on the field of economy, tourism, agriculture and culture, and further impetus to cooperation was expected from the inter-parliamentary friendship groups, the formation of which was in the final stage.