Wednesday, 12 April 2017 13:09

Meeting of Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants with Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania held

Significant possibilities for improvement of parliamentary cooperation between Montenegro and Lithuania

- Montenegro exceptionally appreciates Lithuania’s contributions so far, but also its understanding of significance of European and Euro-Atlantic integration and of overall security of the region, estimated the Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Mr Andrija Nikolić at his meeting with Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania to Montenegro H.E. Ms Rasa Kairienė.

Ambassador Ms Rasa Kairienė voiced congratulations for the evident progress and achievements of Montenegro, and emphasised that small countries understood each other better and recognised the benefits of integration processes, because they were more exposed to security risks.

She pointed out the need for closer cooperation between Montenegro and Lithuania on all levels, as well as for starting the concrete support projects aimed at successful continuation of the European path of Montenegro.

The significance of parliamentary cooperation between Montenegro and Lithuania through parliamentary bodies was especially reiterated, as well as through the unique form of bilateral cooperation within friendship groups. Mr Nikolić informed Ambassador Kairienė that the forming of the Friendship Group with the Parliament of Lithuania was ongoing, which represented an additional incentive for establishment of stronger parliamentary relations.

During the meeting, Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Mr Andrija Nikolić voiced his interest in exchanging experiences with the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Parliament of Lithuania, because the two committees shared numerous similarities, especially with respect to cooperation with emigrants and their organisations.

They jointly noted that parliamentary cooperation represented a confirmation of good interstate relations.