Friday, 21 July 2017 15:16

Committee on International Relations and Emigrants holds its Twelfth Meeting

A control hearing of the Director of the Diaspora Administration was held

At its Twelfth Meeting, the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants held a control hearing of Director of the Diaspora Administration Mr Predrag Mitrović on the topic “Activities of the Diaspora Administration in the field of implementation of the government’s policy of cooperation with emigrants”.

Upon invitation, the meeting was also attended by State Secretary for Political Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr Zoran Janković.

General assessment of participants in the meeting was that the holding of the control hearing was necessary and very useful and that the members of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants in this way got the opportunity to be informed in more detail about the activities and work of the Diaspora Administration.

At the meeting they pointed out the necessity of including the Committee in all important activities carried out by the Administration, as well as that it was necessary to make additional effort to intensify cooperation of all responsible entities in this area. In that regard, they emphasised the need for strengthened coordination and synchronisation of activities carried out by the Government of Montenegro, the Parliament of Montenegro via its lead Committee dealing with issues of cooperation with emigrants, as well as the Diaspora Administration as an essential and most responsible body for implementation of the state policy in this area.

Pointing out that the amendments of members of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants to the Law on Cooperation of Montenegro with Diaspora significantly increased budget allocations for the purpose of the Diaspora Administration, they voiced expectations that the planned strengthening of human resources capacities of the Administration, through filling systematised and vacant work positions would contribute to greater effectiveness and better work performance.

At the meeting, they also pointed out the need for the diplomatic and consular missions of Montenegro abroad, within their responsibilities, to draw special attention to cooperation with emigrant population and to be the first and the most available contact of emigrants with their motherland.

The Committee will draft and submit to the Parliament the report on the control hearing with the proposal for the conclusion.

Furthermore, at the meeting, they adopted a decision to appoint Mr Ervin Ibrahimović as a member of the working group for drafting amendments to the Law on Cooperation of Montenegro with Diaspora.