Wednesday, 31 July 2019 20:26

Committee on Political System, Judiciary and Administration holds its 85th meeting

At the meeting that was held today, the Committee on Political System, Judiciary and Administration considered and unanimously endorsed the Proposal for the Decision on Amending the Decision on Forming the Committee on Further Reform of Electoral and Other Legislation, submitted by Mr Ivan Brajović, MP.

Of ten amendments received in total to this Proposal for the Decision, amendment (1) of MPs: Mr Slaven Radunović, Ms Branka Bošnjak and Mr Milun Zogović did not receive the required majority. The amendments (9), submitted by Mr Boris Bogdanović, MP, were not considered by the Committee, due to the absence of the submitter himself.

Also, the Committee unanimously decided to submit amendments (10) to the Proposal for the Decision on Amending the Decision on Forming the Committee on Further Reform of Electoral and Other Legislation.