Tuesday, 11 April 2017 16:06

MP Miloš Nikolić meets SIGMA expert

Member of the Committee on Political System, Judiciary and Administration, MP Miloš Nikolić, met today with Mr Dawid Sześciło, SIGMA expert (Support for improvement in Governance and Management), in front of the delegation assessing the functioning of public administration in Montenegro.

The aim of the visit is to assess the situation in the areas related to: strategic framework for public administration reform, accountability, service delivery and human resource management.

Interlocutors discussed the oversight role of the Parliament over the executive branch and on this occasion, SIGMA expert was briefly informed of the competences of the Committee on Political System, Judiciary and Administration, which was the lead Committee for legislation in the field of public administration, supervising their implementaion. In addition, it was said that the Committee via consideration of reports submitted by the Judicial and Prosecutorial Council, carried out a detailed insight into the work of these institutions and through its reports, referred to plenary, provided specific recommendations for improvement of their work. It was also pointed to the fact that the Committee, via the mechanisms of control and consultative hearings, inviting attendance from eminent experts, had the possibility of monitoring laws within its competence.

Given the fact that the newly established Ministry of Public Administration started to work, active cooperation with the Committee was expected, in order to contribute to preparation and implementation of laws of better quality, as envisaged by the 2016 – 2020 Strategy of Public Administration Reform in Montenegro.