Tuesday, 10 October 2017 11:00

Meeting in the UNICEF Office to Montenegro

Chairperson of the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Sports Mr Radule Novović met with members of the team conducting the evaluation of functioning of the child rights monitoring system in Montenegro. The evaluation was initiated by the UNICEF.

On behalf of the organiser, the meeting was attended by members of the team conducting the second phase of the independent evaluation of the existing child rights monitoring system - Ms Awaz Rauf and Ms Jorun Arndt, from the consultant house Coram International, Great Britan, and Ms Aleksandra Gligorović, national researcher in the said field.

The meeting addressed the involvement of the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Sports in the activities of monitoring the child rights in Montenegro as of 2014 until today, and recommendations on how to additionally support the development and strengthening of the child rights monitoring system in Montenegro.

In accordance with the 2017-2021 Country Programme Document for cooperation between the UNICEF and the Government of Montenegro, the UNICF has launched the independent evaluation of the existing child rights monitoring system, with the aim of improving the quality of child rights monitoring and creation of the environment in which the child will be recognised as subject of rights.