Wednesday, 05 April 2017 15:45

Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Sports holds its Third Meeting

The 2016 Performance Report of the Committee and the 2017 Work Plan of the Committee have been adopted

Today, on 5 April 2017, the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Sports held its Third Meeting where it considered and unanimously adopted the 2016 Performance Report of the Committee with remark that in the previous year the Committee had been committed to working on performing all planned and initiated obligations.

Furthermore, following the constructive discussion, the Committee unanimously adopted the 2017 Work Plan of the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Sports.

Under item three of the agenda, the Committee members were informed about the initiative by MP and Committee member Mr Andrija Popović, who, upon the request of a group of students of the Medical Faculty, initiated the several times before initiated question of possibility of prolonging the deadline for completing the studies for the students of the University of Montenegro who had started their studies under the study programmes which had been in effect before the introduction of the Bologna Declaration. The Committee will vote on the initiative in due time.

Minutes of the First and the Second meetings of the Committee were adopted in the meeting.