Friday, 28 June 2019 15:48

Chairperson of the Gender Equality Committee takes part in the press conference on the MICS findings

MICS is a global research programme developed by UNICEF

Chairperson of the Gender Equality Committee Ms Nada Drobnjak today has taken part in the press conference on the presentation of key findings of the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) which was carried out in 2018 by the Statistical Office of Montenegro (MONSTAT), with the technical assistance provided by UNICEF, and financial support of the Government of Montenegro, UNICEF, and UNHCR.

Introductory remarks were given by Head of the UNICEF Representative Office to Montenegro Mr Osama Makkawi Khogali, Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro for economic policy and financial system Mr Milutin Simović.

The MISC 6, whose key findings were presented by Director of the Statistical Office of Montenegro Ms Gordana Radojević, was focused on the data relating to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

MICS is a global research programme developed by UNICEF. It is designed to provide statistically sound and internationally comparable data for key social indicators and it is targeted at the most sensitive part of the population: women, children and vulnerable and marginalized population groups.