Wednesday, 24 July 2019 10:30

Meeting Ms Drobnjak - Mr Atanasovski

Chairperson of the Gender Equality Committee Ms Nada Drobnjak today has met Mr Emil Atanasovski, Director of Western Balkans at Westminster Foundation for Democracy.

The meeting was organised on the regional programme which will be conducted from April 2019 to October 2021, with the aim of establishing a regional network of parliamentary committees on human rights and gender equality in the Western Balkans.

The main objective of the program is to establish a parliamentary network of committees on human rights and gender issues in the Western Balkans, examine and review the application of laws related to gender and human rights and establish law enforcement oversight in the parliaments of the Western Balkans and strengthen parliamentary oversight of legislation on human rights.

Participation in the work of the Network is offered to parliamentary committees dealing with human rights and gender equality issues in the parliaments of the Western Balkans, on a voluntary and inclusive basis.

Gender Equality Committee will play an active role in this program by strengthening parliamentary cooperation in the Western Balkans region through the promotion of human rights and gender equality, as well as by effectively monitoring the legislation on gender equality.

The meeting was also attended by associates on the project: Mr Ivan Radojević, Ms Nevenka Stanković and Ms Aleksandra Vujisić.