Friday, 03 March 2017 15:04

Gender Equality Committee holds its Third meeting

The Committee sends the following message to the public:

Members of the Gender Equality Committee strongly condemn the events in the hall of the Parliament of Montenegro, of 15 February, after the Sitting of the First Extraordinary Session in 2017, when the positions were expressed in an utterly inappropriate manner and through violent behaviour.

We believe that a greater number of women in the parliament and in decision-making positions brings new values and new energy. A greater number of women in the parliament and their cooperation with women from civil sector results in the introduction of new topics in public policies, primarily topics related to equality, equal opportunities, reduction of discrimination and violence against women.

We think that one of the most important changes, brought by a greater number of women in the parliament, is their inter-party connection in advocating women’s interests and fighting against violence against women. 

We are surprised by the example of violence of woman against woman, lady parliamentarian against other lady parliamentarian, but, we believe, that consequence of that incident will be felt only the person who violently promoted her, until then, verbal commitment against violence and especially violence against women, and that this event will not have influence on the further process of political empowerment of women in Montenegro.

We must not be silent about violence, because that constitutes a prolonged violence and acceptance of violent behaviour. Therefore, we raise voice against verbal and physical violence of both men and women against men and women performing professionally their parliamentary duties, and against discrimination on the grounds of gender, disability, nationality, health condition.

We are concerned that no civil society organisation, dealing with human rights issues, primarily women’s human rights, has not stated publicly their position on this event.

I believe that state institutions will protect the integrity of the Parliament of Montenegro by acting professionally, but also the integrity of each MP personally. 

In this manner, members of the Gender Equality Committee raise their voice against all forms of violence.