Wednesday, 31 May 2017 12:28

Gender Equality Committee holds its Seventh Meeting

Action Plan for application of the Resolution 1325 of the United Nations Security Council – Women, Peace and Security in Montenegro (2017-2018) considered

At the meeting that was held today, the Committee considered and endorsed the Action Plan for application of the Resolution 1325 of the United Nations Security Council – Women, Peace and Security in Montenegro (2017-2018), adopted by the Goverment, and prepared by the Ministry of Defence.

Action Plan for application of the Resolution 1325 of the United Nations Security Council – Women, Peace and Security in Montenegro (2017-2018) is intended to encompass and explore key areas for the application of the Resolution 1325 and its accompanying resolutions, increase the participation of women in decision-making in all matters relating to peace and security, inclusion of gender perspectives in conflict prevention and gender-based violence, protection of women and girls and their rights during times of peace as well as in conflict areas and the integration of a gender perspective and gender education in peacekeeping operations. State institutions and NGOs in Montenegro have so far realised activities on the implementation of the Resolution 1325 of the United Nations Security Council - Women, Peace and Security and its accompanying resolutions.

With the adoption of the Resolution 1325 of the United Nations Security Council – Women, Peace and Security in Montenegro (2017-2018), measures and activities to integrate gender issues into the processes of reform of the defense sector are defined, as well as at all decision-making levels, and levels where the policy was designed and implemented.

Donošenjem Akcionog plana za primjenu Rezolucije 1325 Savjeta bezbjednosti UN - Žene, mir, bezbjednost u Crnoj Gori (2017 – 2018), definišu se mjere i aktivnosti na integrisanju pitanja rodne ravnopravnosti u procese reforme sektora odbrane i na svim nivoima na kojima se donose odluke, kreira i sprovodi politika.

The meeting was attended by Ms Radmila Đakonović, Senior Adviser and Coordinator for Gender Equality at the Ministry of Defense.

The activities in between meetings, as well as the upcoming activities, have been discussed as part of the item Current Issues.