Tuesday, 20 June 2017 13:22

Gender Equality Committee holds its Eighth Meeting

The Committee considered a number of proposals for laws

At its Eighth Meeting, the Gender Equality Committee has considered within its competence, and supported: the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Criminal Code of Montenegro, the Proposal for the Law on enforcement of the Decision by the Constitutional Court of Montenegro - I No 6/16 from 19 April 2017 (“Official Gazette of MNE”, No 31/17), the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Social and Child Welfare and the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Anti-discrimination Law.

Within the item current issues, the Committee was informed on the forthcoming activities as well as activities between two meetings:

The Committee meeting was attended by: representatives of the proposer for the law - Director General of the Directorate for Judiciary at the Ministry of Justice Ms Marijana Laković–Drašković, Secretary General of the Government of Montenegro Ms Nataša Pešić, Deputy Secretary General of the Government of Montenegro Mr Nikola Dedeić, coordinator of the Department for budgetary policies and procedures at the Directorate for Budget in the Ministry of Defence Ms Tamara Ivković, Director General at the Directorate for Social Welfare and Child Protection Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare Mr Goran Kuševija, Advisor at the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare Ms Budimka Novaković, Director General of the Directorate for Improvement and Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms at the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights Blanka Radosević-Marović and Secretary of the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights Mr Valon Dasharami.