Committee on Tourism, Agriculture, Ecology and Spatial Planning holds its 55th Meeting
The Committee on Tourism, Agriculture, Ecology and Spatial Planning has considered the Proposal for the Decision on Adopting Amendments to the State Location Study “Sector 36”.
Održana 54. sjednica Odbora za turizam, poljoprivredu, ekologiju i prostorno planiranje
Održana 49. sjednica Odbora za turizam, poljoprivredu, ekologiju i prostorno planiranje
Održano konsultativno saslušanje - rasprava na temu: „Trenutno stanje segmenata životne sredine rijeke Tare“
Committee on Tourism, Agriculture, Ecology and Spatial Planning holds its 53rd Meeting
The Committee has considered a Proposal for the Decision and submitted amendments to the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Committee on Tourism, Agriculture, Ecology and Spatial Planning holds its 52nd Meeting
The Committee has considered amendments to the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Tourism Organisations
Održana 51. sjednica Odbora za turizam, poljoprivredu, ekologiju i prostorno planiranje
Poslanica Nikolić na Šestoj dunavskoj parlamentarnoj konferenciji
Članica Odbora za turizam, poljoprivredu, ekologiju i prostorno planiranje, Ana Nikolić, prisustvovala je Šestoj dunavskoj parlamentarnoj konferenciji, koja se održava u Bukureštu, u Rumuniji.
Ana Nikolić MP at the Sixth Danube parliamentary conference
Ms Ana Nikolić, MP, will take part in the Sixth Danube parliamentary conference, to be held in Bucharest, Romania