Monday, 16 October 2017 15:32

Legislative Committee holds its 34th Meeting


At the beginning of the meeting, the proposed agenda was extended by amendments (2) to the Proposal for the Law on Foreign Affairs, submitted by MPs: Mr Ervin Ibrahimović, Mr Andrija Nikolić and Mr Dragutin Papović.

The Committee has considered and voted in favour of: Proposal for the Decision on amendments and supplement to the Decision on establishing the Fund for Protection and Exercising of Minority Rights.

In addition, the Committee has considered and assessed as legally acceptable the following amendments:

  • amendment to the Proposal for the Law on Budget and Fiscal Responsibility, submitted by MPs Mr Filip Vuković and Mr Predrag Sekulić;
  • amendment to the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Safety of Maritime Navigation, submitted by MP Mićo Orlandić;
  • amendment to the Proposal for the Law on Transportation in Road Traffic, submitted by MPs Mr Petar Smolović and Ms Jovanka Laličić; and
  • Amendments (2) to the Proposal for the Law on Foreign Affairs, submitted by MPs Mr Ervin Ibrahimović, Mr Andrija Nikolić and Mr Dragutin Papović.

In accordance with Article 67 paragraph 1 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro, the Committee did not consider amendments (3) to the Proposal for the Law on Foreign Affairs, submitted by MP Mr Ervin Ibrahimović.