Wednesday, 13 June 2018 12:54

Legislative Committee holds its 55th Meeting

At its meeting held today, the Legislative Committee has considered the Proposal for the Law on Ratification of the Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs, Proposal for the Law on Ratification of the Agreement for the Establishment of the International Development Law Organization, Proposal for the Law on Amendments and Supplement to the Criminal Code of Montenegro,  Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Obligations and Basic Legal Property Relations in Air Transport, Proposal for the Law on Social Council,  Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Veterinary Law, and Proposal for the Law on Amendments and Supplement to the Law on Plant Nutrition Products. The Committee will vote on the said proposals for laws in the continuation of the 55th meeting.

In accordance with Article 67 paragraph 1 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament o Montenegro, the Committee did not consider the Proposal for the Law on President of Montenegro.