Thursday, 01 March 2018 15:40

First Sitting of the First Ordinary Session in 2018 ends

Members of the Parliament of Montenegro today have completed the First Sitting of the First Ordinary Session in 2018, adopting the following: Proposal for the Law on Ratification of the Convention on Choice of Court Agreements, Proposal for the Law on Ratification of Agreement between the Government of Montenegro and the Government of the United States of America on improving the execution of international tax obligations and the implementation of FATCA and  Proposal for the Law on Ratification of the Treaty establishing the Transport Community.

Within the item Elections and appointments, the Parliament has appointed Mr Miroslav Vukčević as member of the Committee of the Energy Regulatory Agency. Also, the Higher Education Council of Montenegro was appointed. 

The Parliament has noted the resignation by Minister of European Affairs Mr Aleksandar Andrija Pejović.