Tuesday, 20 March 2018 12:49

President of the Parliament hosts the Ambassador of the Italian Republic in a farewell visit

- It is of great importance for Montenegro to have as many friends as possible that understand and safeguard strategic interests of our country, especially NATO and EU member states, among which Italy occupies an important place – Mr Ivan Brajović, President of the Parliament of Montenegro, emphasised during the farewell visit of the Ambassador of the Italian Republic, Mr Vincenzo Del Monaco.

The President of the Parliament thanked the Italian Ambassador for strong contribution to interparliamentary cooperation, through the organisation of visits by the representatives of the Italian Parliament and the signing of the Protocol on Cooperation between the Committee on European Integration of the Parliament of Montenegro and the Committee on European Union Policies of the Italian Senate, in the context of Italy's support to Montenegro on its path to EU membership. The Protocol with Montenegro is of special significance, bearing in mind that the Senate of the Italian Republic had signed that kind of protocol only with parliaments of France and Spain.

Ambassador Del Monaco granted recognition to the Parliament of Montenegro and to the President Brajović for the demonstrated openness for internal dialogue, as well as the contribution to the development of bilateral relations between Montenegro and Italy. He stressed the importance of the work in parliaments in democratic societies because, as he pointed out, each key issue for a country must be considered inside the legislature, which represents the will of all citizens of a country.

The interlocutors agreed that the excellent political relations of the two countries should be the basis for the period to come in order to strengthen cooperation on the economic plane.

