Friday, 27 April 2018 16:35

Sixth Sitting of the First Ordinary Spring Session in 2018 ends

At the Sixth Sitting of the First Ordinary Spring Session in 2018, members of the Parliament of Montenegro adopted the following:  Proposal for the Law on International Developmental Cooperation and Delivering International Humanitarian Aid, Proposal for the Law on Ratification of the Agreement on Establishing the European Molecular Biology Conference, Proposal for the Law on Ratification of the Agreement on Establishing the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, with annexes, Proposal for the Law on Ratification of the Amendment to Article 20 paragraph 1 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, Proposal for the Decision on accepting the Agreement on Exercising the Put Option.

The Parliament also determined the Opinion with a reply to the Constitutional Court of Montenegro with regard to the Decision on initiating the procedure of the constitutional review of provisions of Article 17 paragraph 6 and Article 22 paragraph 2 of the Law on Public Sector Salaries (Official Gazette of Montenegro, No 16/16, 83/16, 21/17, and 42/17).

Under the item of the agenda “Elections and appointments”, the Parliament of Montenegro also elected four members of the Prosecutorial Council from among prominent lawyers, as follows: Mr Velimir Rakočević, Ms Aneta Spaić, Mr Milan Filipović, and Ms Ranka Čarapić. Furthermore, Mr Zoran Vujičić was elected member of the State Election Commission from among representatives of the civil society, NGO sector and universities, while Mr Rajko Todorović-Todor was appointed President of the Jury for Presenting the 13th July Award.