Wednesday, 31 July 2019 16:03

Tenth Sitting of the First Ordinary Session in 2019 ends

Members of the Parliament of Montenegro ended today the Tenth Sitting of the First Ordinary (Spring) Session in 2019 adopting the following: Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on DefenceProposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Confiscation of Assets Acquired from Criminal ActivityProposal for the Law on Fiscalisation in the Trade in Goods and ServicesProposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Tax AdvisorsProposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Official Statistics and Official Statistical SystemProposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Cooperation of Montenegro with Diaspora - EmigrantsProposal for the Law on Restriction of the Usage of Tobacco ProductsProposal for the on Ratifying the Protocol on Water and Health to the 1992 Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International LakesProposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on deployment of the Armed Forces of Montenegro units to the international forces and participation of members of civil defence, police and public administration employees in peacekeeping missions and other activities abroadProposal for the Law on Amendment to the Law on Higher EducationProposal for the Law on Supplement to the Law on Regional DevelopmentProposal for a Decision on Amendments to the Decision on long-term lease of land for developing the base settlement of the mountain centre "Kolašin 1600" and Proposal for the Annex to the Long-term lease contract of the mountain centre "Kolašin 1600Proposal for the Decision on Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of MontenegroProposal for the Code of Ethics for MPsTenth semi-annual report on the overall activities within the integration process of Montenegro to the European Union, for the period July – December 20182018 Performance Report of the Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms2018 Annual Report of the National Mechanism for Prevention of Torture2018 Financial Statement with the Performance Report of the Energy Regulatory Agency2018 Financial Operations Report and Performance Report of the Agency for Electronic Media2018 Performance Report of the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services with 2018 Financial Report of the Agency, and Report on Conducted Audit of 2018 Financial Statements of the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services by the independent auditor "SPIN OFF" Ltd Podgorica2018 Financial and Performance Report of the Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices2018 Financial Statements and Report on Performed Audit of Financial Statements of the Insurance Supervision Agency and 2018 Performance Report of the Insurance Supervision Agency2018 Status Report on the Insurance Market in Montenegro2018 Performance Report of the State Commission for the Control of Public Procurement Procedures2018 Performance Report of the Agency for Protection of Competition2018 Performance Report of the Central Bank of Montenegro and 2018 Performance Report of the Financial Stability Forum of Montenegro.

As part of the item of Elections and appointments, the Parliament adopted the Proposal for the Decision on selection of five members of the Council of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption. Also, the Proposal for the Decision on selection of the Chairman and members of the Committee for monitoring the implementation of the Decision on a long-term lease of Mamula, Municipality of Herceg Novi and the Decision on accepting the Annex No 1 of the Agreement on the lease of Hotel "Kraljičina plaža", Budva.

The course of the Sitting could have been followed via following links:


- Day one of the Sitting

- Day two of the Sitting

- Day three of the Sitting

- Day four of the Sitting

- Day five of the Sitting

- Day six of the Sitting